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As we age, our roles, body, and life are changing. But that’s nothing new. It’s been happening since we were born. It’s just that now, we’re not as sure of our goals, not as certain of our purpose, not as convinced of our value. We may be looking back more than forward. We’re asking, and we need to know, “do I still matter?”


Do I Still Matter? examines the unfamiliar terrain that comes with passing years. From the monumental (Who am I now?) to the mundane (My hands look so old!), seek God’s guidance, gain both practical and Biblical insight, and learn useful tips in forty easy-to-read chapters, each tackling a specific concern of this life stage.


In this book we’ll explore God-centered answers to our life questions, recognize and appreciate the abundant gifts our new life stage offers, find practical ways to become our best self and to fulfill our new life roles, as well as how to utilize our time in satisfying and God-honoring ways. You will be reassured you are not alone in your feelings and concerns, learn specific things to do to move forward, and be encouraged and inspired to live this time of life to its fullest. You will be equipped to boldly exclaim “Yes! I still matter!”

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Logo for Amazon, one of the many places you can purchase Do I Still Matter? by author Kim Henry.
Logo for Barnes & Noble, proudly stocking the new book Do I Still Matter? by Kim Taylor Henry.

Click the logos below to find the book at these retailers. Or ask for it at your local Christian bookstore.

Pre-order at Amazon and Barnes and Noble now, and on Our Daily Bread Publishing July 1st, 2024.

Available September 3rd, 2024.

Our Daily Bread Publishing, publisher of "Do I Still Matter?" by Kimberly Taylor Henry

Do I Still Matter? tenderly penetrates the depths of an aging soul with a resounding “YES!” Just when you thought the world had sidelined you, Kim uses God’s word to shift our perspective and remind us that with age comes incredible benefits
that truly matter to God and His Kingdom.



Lisa Martin Ministries
From Faith Flows - Christian Speaker

Do I Still Matter” is a question people ask at any age, but especially as we grow older and begin to see ourselves through the lens of a younger generation. While we may feel like we’ve got storehouses full of wisdom and experience as we age, others often view us as outdated and irrelevant. Kim Henry’s book nails this burning question with God's divine truth and perspective. Her devotional format is a perfect way to receive daily encouragement from the Word. Every chapter is filled with scripture, prayer, and a secret key to growing older with confidence in the person God made us to be…at any age. Enjoy!

Dr. Mary Ann Noak
Pastor of Women’s Ministries
River West Church, Lake Oswego, Oregon



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In Kim Taylor Henry's warm and gracious style, she comes alongside those of us who may think our best years are behind us and says, "Wait. You matter, even now and especially now. Your prayers matter. Your talents matter. Your perspective matters." What sweet affirmation. What nourishment for the soul. Using Scripture, godly wisdom, quotes from 



Jeanette Levellie
Author of Hello, Beautiful! Finally Love Yourself Just as You Are

journey to understand how valuable we truly are.

Especially to God. Please read "Do I Still Matter?"

Christian leaders, and heartfelt prayers, Kim takes us on a 

and rejoice in this time of your life.


Kim Henry has addressed the unexpected situations we find ourselves in as we grow older. I faced this dilemma at the age of fifty when I was laid off from my job of 25 years. After a merger, the layoff wasn’t unexpected, since many others lost their jobs in the takeover too. However, the surprise was that it was difficult to find another job with all my experience. I learned that since I wasn’t “cute and perky” anymore, not to mention, had higher salary expectations, I was not the most desirable candidate. As I sat home applying for other jobs, I prayed daily for God to show me where He wanted me. But the months of waiting with no job made me ask God if He was done with me. Was I no longer important? Did I still matter? As I discovered a year later, God had answers. They weren’t what I expected, but they showed me that God had a new direction for my life.


In this thorough book, Kim Henry covers all the thoughts and questions we have as we age, and that God has the answers to all of them. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is facing the challenges of age, and how to handle those challenges in a positive way, the way God would have us do.


Marilyn Turk
Award-winning author of more than 20 books and novellas

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